Café Retro
Café Retro in the village Sandur, here you can stop by for coffee, cakes and a light meal. Café Retro also frequently hosts events.
The café serves different kinds of coffee, tea, hot chocolate and a range of different cakes. If you are hungry, you can find a rnge of light dishes, such as open sandwiches, panini and focaccia. For the thirsty ones they also have a bar menu with beers, wine, mixed drinks etc.
Opening Hours
The hours vary throughout the year. During the summer months they have regular opening hours, which will be updated here in the summer. The opening hours and more information about events is to found on their facebook page Café Retro | Facebook
You can contact the owners by phone at +298 217556 or e-mail at . For larger groups we are happy to help arrange your visit at or call us at +298 222078.
Address: Heimasandsvegur 44, 210 Sandur