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Saksun - Vestmanna

  • 2020-04-23-saksun-vestmanna-103-img-0069-jpg
    View over Saksunardalur down to Hvalvík. Photo: Óli Gardshodn
  • 2020-04-23-saksun-vestmanna-110-img-0094-jpg
    View from Frammi á Botni over the lake Frammi á Vatni above Vestmanna. Photo: Óli Gardshodn
  • Hiking-Villagepath-Faroe-Islands-Saksun-Vestmanna
    View from Rossastígar over towards Slættanes on Vágar. In the background Árnafjall and Barðið. Photo: Óli Gardshodn
hike poster

An easy hike through the wide valleys north of Vestmanna, where the pastures stretch as far as the eye can see

The path starts midway through the valley Saksunardalur, where you cross the lovely river, Klovsá, where the remains of an old bridge are found. From there, continue under Mt. Ørvisfelli, the second highest mountain on Streymoy and cross the pass Oksagilshálsur. Having crossed the pass, hike down the hill called Skammbrekkan and ford the river Fossá, where you will see two hydropower dams below you. The rest of the hike is a long but easy walk southward on the road known as Saksunarvegurin, which you find west of the upper hydropower dam, known as Frammi á vatni. Continue along the hill Leiti and down toward the river Gjógvará. Follow the river on its western bank to the water reservoir in Vestmanna.


The first ascent from Saksunardalur is a little strenuous, but otherwise it is an easy hike through the wide and narrow pastures north of Vestmanna. The path is far from any major roads and few take it, making for a very tranquil hike.


The views in the upper reaches of the hill Oksagilsbrekka down toward Saksunardalur and south toward the strait between Streymoy and Eysturoy is particularly beautiful.


From here you can also see the peaks of many mountains on Eysturoy and on the Northern Isles. The views westward from the crag Rossastígar of the spit Slættanestangi and the sea cliffs Vágabjørgini is also very beautiful.


It is necessary to bring the GPX-file with you in case it becomes foggy as part of the path is not well marked.


Saksun - Vestmanna
Vestmanna - Saksun

Saksun - Vestmanna

Public transport
There is no public transportation to Saksun. 

Arriving by car
Parking, Saksunardalur
About 5 km from the church in Hvalvík, en route to Saksun, there is a little road up the hill which the farmer uses when feeding sheep. Park along the upper part of this road in order not to hinder the farmer’s access to it.

  • Starting-point--Saksun
    Follow the blue line for starting point.
  • 2020-04-23-saksun-vestmanna-101a-img-0549-jpg
    Parking in Saksun
  • 2020-04-23-saksun-vestmanna-100a-img-0548-jpg
    Parking in Saksun

Vestmanna - Saksun

Public transport
Bus route 100 goes to Vestmanna

Arriving by car
Parking, Vestmanna
Parking is available by the water reservoir at á Skoralíð in Vestmanna. (see the photos) From there, go up to the infield gate and follow the path along the river Gjógvará.

  • vestmanna-1-png
    See green line for parking and blue line for starting point.
  • vestmanna-vardagotubyrjan-jpg
    Starting point on Meðalsbrekka in Vestmanna
  • vestmanna-2-png
    See green line for parking and blue line for starting point.
  • Parking-Startingpoint-Vestmanna
    See green line for parking and blue line for starting point.
  • 2020-09-15-vestmanna-hvalv-k-134-img-0289-jpg
    The beginning of the path in Vestmanna.
Saksun - Vestmanna

Saksun - Vestmanna


path icon
3h 0m


path icon
8 km


hilltop peak icon
460 m


family icon
455 m


family icon The hike is suitable with children over 8 years
difficulty icon Medium - The path is for the most part even and easy to walk. It is only the ascent from Saksunardalur which is strenuous, especially up the hill Oksagilsbrekka
terrain icon The terrain is mostly grass covered and even apart from the rocky ground above the crag Rossastígar, which nevertheless is easy to walk through
8 m/s
Weather forecast

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