Duration      3,5 hrs

Difficulty     Medium

Distance      9 km

Child friendly hike


Søltuvík is situated approximately 6 km from the village of Sandur. Here you can experience breathtaking sunsets to the west accross the bay or hike to the viewpoint to see “drangarnar” (sea stacks).

This hike you can do on your own, or ask us for a guide, and we will find the perfect match! The hike starts by the old school in Sandur, where you find a sign to Søltuvík. You just follow the unpaved road to Søltuvík. 

About half way to Søltuvík, there is a hiking path which leads you to an outstanding viewpoint of ‘Drangarnir’ (sea stacks), Søltuvík bay and some interesting geological formations. You will find a hiking sign by an old oil tank on the left hand side of the road. Follow the gravel road and where the gravel road ends, you will find the red poles that mark the hike in the outfield. The hike to the viewpoint is easy, but may be wet in some areas, therefore, waterproof shoes are recommended.  

If you don’t plan on hiking to the viewpoint, you can follow the unpaved road further, until you reach the bay Søltuvík. Søltuvík is a beautiful area with “malargrót” (water rolled stones) and dramatic cliffs. During the summer you can also often see seals in the water. It will take around 3,5 hours to walk from Sandur to the viewpoint and Søltuvík and back again. It is easy to reach Søltuvík by foot or car from Sandur. The road is however narrow, so be carefull if you drive.

In Søltuvík there are historic traces of former habitations. It was used as a base and lookout post for the British army during second world war due to its panoramic viewpoint.

In Søltuvík you can also see the monument raised in 2010 in memory of the lost ship Principia. Principia left Dundee, Scotland, for America on the 16th of November 1895. The ship got caught in a storm on 19th of November and cut fire. They tried to head back to Scotland but ended up in The Faroe Islands where the ship struck a rock of the coast of Søltuvík on the 21st of November. 28 men were on board the ship but only one of them survived. He drifted 14 hours on a cargo hatch and was saved by the people of Kirkjubø. Now a days the cargo hatch is being used as a table at Stokkastovan in Kirkjubø. Two anchors of Principia were saved in 2001 and are a part of the monument.


The hike to the viewpoint is close to the edge of the cliff, you should therefore always be carefull and never go too close. If you bring children along, always keep a close eye on them. Be carefull in foggy weather, as it can be difficult to estimate where the edge is. When the weather is harsh the wind and current can be strong, so the waves often break over the cliffs. Just as beautiful it is to watch the power of mother nature it can be dangerous going too close and you should keep away from the edge.