Getting to Skúvoy
As the population of Skúvoy is quite small, most of the departures are on request. These departures are marked with a little “T)” in the timetable and have to be requested at least two hours in advance by calling the crew. You will find the timetable and phonenumber here on their webpage.
It is also possible to reach Skúvoy by helicopter. The helicopter flies four days a week during the summer and three days during the winter. Here you can find the timetable and booking page for the helicopter.
If you would like a very unique experience it is possible to arrange a private, chartered trip to Skúvoy with the traditional faroese boat Hvíthamar.
Public Transport
You find all your public transportation information at There are timetables for both buses and ferries on the website. The bus from Tórshavn to Gamlarætt is called route 101, the bus from Skopun the rest of Sandoy route 600. The ferry Teistin to Sandoy is called route 60 and Sildberin to Skúvoy is called route 66.
Consider not to travel by car with the ferry Teistin around 08 o'clock in the morning and 16 o'clock in the afternoon, due to consideration for the locals who commute to work and home, as there is a limited amount of space for cars in the ferry.