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Hósvík - Leynavatn

  • 2020-04-08-h-sv-k-leynavatn-111-img-0038-jpg
    View from Tungubrekku above Hósvík. Photo: Óli Gardshodn
  • 2020-04-08-h-sv-k-leynavatn-104-img-0014-jpg
    The view down over Á Hálsi by Leynavatn and over the strait Vestmannasund. In the background the island of Vágar. Photo: Óli Gardshodn
  • 2020-04-08-h-sv-k-leynavatn-101-img-0003-jpg
    The view of Lake Leynavatn. Below you can just make out the village Stykkið. In the background, the Strait of Vestmannasund and the island of Vágar. Photo: Óli Gardshodn
  • 2020-04-08-h-sv-k-leynavatn-119-img-0075-jpg
    The first stretch up from the sheepfold by the water Leynavatn is fairly steep. Photo: Óli Gardshodn
  • leynavatn-jan-kellr---jpkay-jpg
    Lake Leynavatn. Photo:Jan Kellr - @jpkay
  • faroe6-jpg
    The village of Leynar. Photo: Pelle Faust - @pelle.faust
hike poster

A fascinating and very beautiful walk, highlights being a small valley, a gorge and the area around the lake Leynavatn

In the village of Hósvík, one walks up along the river Lagá, which in places is narrow, and in others, quite wide. Several larger rivers meet just outside the village walls and flow into Lagá. With its rivers and their tributaries, this is a lovely area to explore. Walking up the river Smørdalsá, you reach the valley of Smørdalur. Here everything becomes very tranquil, the only sounds being birdsong and a babbling brook. It feels like entering a different world, where the marks left by those who once cut peat remind you of another age.


From Smørdalur, walk up the steep hill toward Hósvíksgjógv, a magnificent gorge, and from there up to Lírahjalli, a broad sloping terrace. This is the most challenging and strenuous part of the hike. From here, it is easy to walk up to Hósvíksskarð, the pass between the mountains Bøllufjall and Gívrufjall.


The stretch toward the lake of Leynavatn is good for walking, though the final stretch down to the road is a little steep.


Here you walk on a ridge between two valleys, where you might run into quite a few hares. The views over the lakes called Mjáuvøtn, the valley of Kollafjørður, the strait Vestmannasund and the isle of Vágoy are excellent.


The walk can be taken in either direction. Which direction is best depends on weather and the direction of the wind.

Hósvík - Leynavatn
Leynavatn - Hósvík

Hósvík - Leynavatn

Public transport
Route 450 stops in Hósvík. And route 300 between Tórshavn and the airport as well as route 100 between Tórshavn and Vestmanna stop by the mouth of the tunnel in Leynar. This means you can park your car either in Hósvík or Leynar and return by bus.

Arriving by car
Parking, Hósvík
Good parking is found in Hósvík, where you can park either by the church or the school.

Two roads lead up to the gate in the village wall: 1) Up through the road Geilin, or 2) up Vøruvegur road, passing the school and then straight up above the football pitch, where you take a right by a small black hay barn, cross the new bridge over Lagá, where you meet

  • parkering---h-sv-k-1-png
    See green line for parking and blue line for starting point
  • parkering---h-sv-k-2-png
    Follow blue line for getting your hike started

Leynavatn - Hósvík

Public transport
Route 450 stops in Hósvík. And route 300 between Tórshavn and the airport as well as route 100 between Tórshavn and Vestmanna stop by the mouth of the tunnel in Leynar. This means you can park your car either in Hósvík or Leynar and return by bus.

Arriving by car
Parking, Leynar
Good parking is found in Leynar, where you can park just north of the bridge that crosses the river Dalá. Park by the green line (see photo) and follow the blue line through the gate.

  • parkering---leynavatn-1-png
    See green line for parking and blue line for starting point
  • parkering---leynavatn-2-png
    See green line for parking and blue line for starting point
Hósvík - Leynavatn
Leynavatn - Hósvík

Hósvík - Leynavatn

Leynavatn - Hósvík


path icon
2h 30m


path icon
5 km


hilltop peak icon
521 m


family icon
517 m


family icon Children should be not less than 10 years old
difficulty icon Difficult - The path is grass-covered and easy to walk, except along Hósvíksgjógv, on the path up through the crag above Uppi á Hálsi, and the hill above Leynavatn. Some might also find the stretch across the river above Hósvíksgjógv and up to Lírahjalli vertiginous
terrain icon Grass-covered and good for walking throughout. Steep at times, especially when passing Hósvíksgjógv and up toward Lírahjalli as well as above Leynavatn. Smørdalur is wet in places. One most climb over a fence at uppi undir Hálsi, above Leynavatn
8 m/s
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