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Fámjin - Vágur

  • f-mjin-simon-dubreuil-jpg
    The village of Fámjin. Photo: Simon Dubreuil
  • 2020-07-21-f-mjin-v-gur-105-img-0130-jpg
    View above the village of Fámjin. Photo: Óli Gardshodn
  • 2020-07-21-f-mjin-v-gur-107-img-0134-jpg
    The valley of Fámjin with all its lakes surrounded by mountains. Photo: Óli Gardshodn
  • 2020-07-21-f-mjin-v-gur-111-img-0147-jpg
    Photo: Óli Gardshodn
  • 2020-07-21-f-mjin-v-gur-112-img-0148-jpg
    There are cairns along all the villagepath. Here we walk through the grassy Fløtan in 390m. Photo: Óli Gardshodn
  • 2020-07-21-f-mjin-v-gur-114-img-0152-jpg
    Having walked 1.3 km over Fløtan, you reach the outfield of Bjarghagi, where you go through an old gate. Photo: Óli Garðshorn
  • 2020-07-21-f-mjin-v-gur-117-img-0157-jpg
    The view is beautiful while we walk down to the lake Ryskivatn. Here we are on the top of Loskarbrekka. Photo: Óli Gardshodn
  • 2020-07-21-f-mjin-v-gur-120-img-0165-jpg
    Lake of Ryskivatn. Photo: Óli Gardshodn
  • 2020-07-21-f-mjin-v-gur-122-img-0172-jpg
    The dam over Ryskivatn. Photo: Óli Gardshodn
  • 2020-07-21-f-mjin-v-gur-129-img-0182-jpg
    View over Botnur where the first power plant in Faroe Islands was built in 1921. Photo: Óli Gardshodn
  • 2020-07-21-f-mjin-v-gur-131-img-0184-jpg
    The 4,5 km from the lake of Ryskivatn down to Vágar, we walk on a gravelroad. Here on our way down to Vagar. Photo: Óli Gardshodn
hike poster

A hike on the west side of Suðuroy, running through a hill, with excellent views over the beautiful mountains surrounding Fámjin with pleasant lakes in hollows

In Fámjin, you can start by the church, from where you take the lane by Fámjinsvegur 41 and continue on the village path. As soon as you are above the main road, you must climb over a fence to continue on the village path.

As you reach the hill Reyðabakki, at an elevation of 375 metres, you can enjoy the views of over the mountains around Fámjin, renowned for their beauty. From Reyðabakki, the hike continues southward through the plain of Fløtan. Having walked 1.3 km over the plain, you reach the outfield of Bjarghagi, where you go through a gate.

In Bjarghagi you will find several smaller and larger lakes, the largest being Mittvatn (elevation, 347 m) and Ryskivatn (elevation, 244 m). The view over the lakes at Bjarghagi, scattered at various elevations, is unique and beautiful. Above the lakes you will find the majestic peaks Borgin and Borgarknappur in addition to the ledge Glopprókin with its unique columnar basalt embedded into the mountain ridge.

The village path continues straight down to Ryskivatn, the largest of the lakes, lying at the bottom of Bjarghagi. Walk along the lake, cross the dam, continue south along the lake, and walk the short stretch on the dirt road to the parking lot. If your car is parked in Vágur, you can walk from the dam to the big parking lot below it. If you do not have a car, walk the 4 km on the dirt road to Vágur. From the road you see the power plant at Botnur, which is the first power plant in the Faroe Islands.

Fámjin - Vágur
Vágur - Fámjin

Fámjin - Vágur

Public transport
Route 701 Fámjin–Tvøroyri–Sandvík. Most of the trips are so-called T-trips, i.e., you must notify SSL, the public transportation company, an hour in advance.

Arriving by car
Parking, Fámjin
In Fámjin there is a large parking lot by the main road where the path starts, marked with green on the picture. From there, go uphill (blue arrow # 1), where you will spot the cairns that stand at close interval up the hill.

If you have parked by the church in Fámjin, go up the lane (with gates at both ends) to the main road (see arrow # 2 in the picture), and then follow arrow # 1 as described above.

  • famjin-png
    See green line for parking and blue line for startingpoint
  • famjin-1-png
    See green line for parking and blue line for startingpoint
  • 2020-07-21-f-mjin-v-gur-100-img-0121-jpg
    Walk from the parking by the church
  • 2020-07-21-f-mjin-v-gur-104-img-0127-jpg

Vágur - Fámjin

Public transport
Route 700 Sumba–Vágur–Tvøroyri. In Vágur, the hike from the bus stop up to Ryskivatn is about 4.5 km.

You can park by the street, Gjógvaráveg above the town. 

Fámjin - Vágur
Vágur - Fámjin

Fámjin - Vágur

Vágur - Fámjin


path icon
2h 0m


path icon
7 km


hilltop peak icon
395 m


family icon
392 m


family icon Suitable for children over 8 years. This is a long hike with significant elevation gain
difficulty icon Medium - The first stretch from Fámjin and the stretch up to Ryskivatn are somewhat steep. Some loose gravel is on the small tablelands and crags on the path
terrain icon Grass-covered and overall good for walking. Some loose gravel is on the small tablelands and crags on the path
10 m/s
Weather forecast

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